


However, like my son with a gift he didn’t want, we human beings have a tendency to separate the two. C. S. Lewis put it this way, “That is what mortals misunderstand. They say of some temporal suffering, ‘No future bliss can make up for it,’ not knowing that Heaven, once attained, will work backwards and turn even that agony into a glory.”




We mortals call pain bad and pleasure good, loneliness bad and belonging good, uncertainty bad and clarity good, death bad and resurrection good, sorrow bad and joy good, darkness bad and light good. Indeed, we’ve even done that to this most human of holiest seasons, this observation of Jesus’ birth itself. For centuries, the four weeks leading up to the holy day of Christmas were called the season of Advent, a liturgical season in which the grit of the world was observed through the ritual of darkness, a lack of light in our homes and churches. A time of waiting on the Light to eventually come. Then, on Christmas day, the gifts. The lighting of trees, the celebration of Light coming into the world, the joy of it all, observed for 12 full days. Now, though, there are lights in the stores as soon as the Halloween candy is gone from the shelves. We leave no space for darkness.



A few months ago—and just a few hours after I dropped Quinn off on that lonely first-day-of-school playground—he arrived home with a smile on his face. Eventually, he’d found his people. Eventually, loneliness gave way to belonging. Eventually, pain gave way to peace. Eventually, grit gave way to gift. Eventually. Not immediately. Eventually. But now he knows he can endure the loneliness. Now he knows he can persevere through the pain. Now he knows he can grind it out through the grit. Now he knows he can wait for the resurrection.




Jesus showed us with his birth, life, and death that every human life is a gift to be faithfully opened, both the gritty parts and the glorious parts. He came to show us how to stand alone and together, how to weep and wonder, how to die and be resurrected. So, this holiday season, will you join me in doing the most Christlike thing of all? Will you let this holiday be as imperfect and as painful as it wants to be, and will you try to trust, for a little while, that painfulness always precedes peacefulness? Have faith, friend.





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