

Christian community also helps us separate the sound of God’s call from the voice of our own ego—which is, for my money, the greatest challenge on the topic of calling. “There are all different kinds of voices calling you to all different kinds of work and the problem is to find out which is the voice of God rather than of Society, say, or the Super-ego, or Self-Interest,” Frederick Buechner writes.


Naming and delineating the voice of pride or ego from the voice of the One who says “Follow me” is another essential role of Christian community.


During a season when my own understanding of God’s call had grown myopic, self-centered, and patriarchal, it was the voice of an older, godly friend, Carol, who called me back to faithfulness.


Over dinner late one summer, after my first year of graduate school, Carol asked if we had any news about when we might be expecting our first child. Knowing that my wife had been longing for children for years and that she considered motherhood central to her vocation, Carol was rightly curious. But having recently left a stable career to study theology, with no serious steady income to speak of, I was dragging my heels.


“It feels irresponsible, given our situation,” I confessed across the dining room table. “Don’t you think?”


“Ryan, I think it would be irresponsible not to,” Carol told me in a firm voice, now leaning over the table.


When my own understanding of God’s call became inseparable from my personal desires or even sources of pride, when I was blinded to my wife’s sacrifice and vocational longings, I needed the help of godly friends. Those who know and love me and who are also seeking God’s call are able to encourage me back to a path of faithfulness—with God and with the one I was sharing this journey.


“It was part of God’s genius to incorporate us as one body,” Barbara Brown Taylor writes in The Preaching Life, “so that our ears have other ears, other eyes, minds, hearts, and voices to help us interpret what we have heard. Together we can hear our calls, and together we can answer them.”


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