


On my first night in Oxford last summer, where I was attending a conference hosted by the C. S. Lewis Foundation, I received a memorable tour of the Kilns, C. S. Lewis’s home from 1930 to 1963. Though I had lived in the home as a scholar-in-residence several years earlier, leading tours for hundreds of guests from around the world during that season, this was my first time receiving a tour from Kim Gilnett. A long-time partner of the C. S. Lewis Foundation, Kim had been involved with the home’s restoration since that work began in the 1990s.


Walking from room to room with a half-dozen guests, Kim told us stories of the yard work and interior work done by summertime volunteers from the States, restoring the home to look as it had during Lewis’s time. This labor of love took about a decade. Entering the kitchen, Kim invited us to notice the Headington Quarry tile floor, which had been covered over by a layer of asphalt by the homeowners following Lewis’s death. They topped it off with green linoleum flooring.


The slow, careful work of removing the layers of asphalt and linoleum was painstakingly carried out by hand, he told us, preserving the original tile underneath.


Two years earlier, I had hoped to meet Kim at the Kilns during our overlapping stays. Just before I landed in the UK, however, Kim received news of his wife’s sudden and unexpected health decline. He flew home immediately to be with her. By the end of the week, she had passed.


“Many of those who began this work never got to see its completion,” Kim told us, pausing now, still staring at the tile floor.



In that moment, and many times since, I have thought of this story and given thanks for so many who have taken the time to help me get down to my own God-given foundation, without whom I would not be who I am today. I think of my grandfather whose initial response to our decision to move to England in pursuit of God’s call (leaving behind work, home, and family) was to say, “That’s the worst news I’ve heard in a long time,” but who would eventually become our biggest supporter. I think of my friend David whose confidence in my writing enabled me to continue stringing words together when, with so many closed doors, I felt like giving up. I think of my wife, whose persistent faith in a God who provides when I see no way forward has buoyed me countless times. Without their vision, confidence, and investment in every way, I would not have clarity on my God-given gifts nor the courage to live into them. When it comes to my grandfather, I often wish he were still here to see the fruits of his investment. Somehow, someday, I hope he will.


This memory of pausing to stare at the tile floor in the former kitchen of a man whose writing continues to inspire so many long after his death has been a helpful reminder that we are deeply indebted to those who came before us. And those who come after us will, in ways we cannot now imagine, be shaped by our own response to God’s call. Reflecting on the legacy of his work, Lewis once remarked to his friend Owen Barfield that five years after he had passed, no one would be reading his writing.


God’s call comes to us in relations with the great cloud of witnesses who came before us, who surround us now, and who will come after us. Seeing ourselves as a link in this backward- and forward-facing chain of relations, gratitude is a means of hearing our relational God’s call.




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