


But it doesn’t have to be this way. The way forward is knowing our job and sticking to it. One of my favorite lines in the liturgy of my denomination, I print at the top of every funeral bulletin: A Service of Witness to the Resurrection. The funeral must be congregational because it is not a birthday party without its guest of honor. It is public worship whose intent is to deepen our hope in the Resurrection.


We stand in need of this deepening. The pervading mood toward what happens after we die is not, as N.T. Wright wryly observed, the sure and certain hope of the Resurrection of the dead, but rather the vague and fuzzy optimism that things may turn out in the end. The hope of heaven is often not a robust, biblical picture of God’s intention for the whole of creation, but a wispy, disembodied existence involving clouds and the odd golden harp.


I am one pastor. So what can I do? I try to make funerals corporate worship, not private parties. I try to encourage people to gather as if it’s Christmas Eve, or a unity service, as if it’s worship. I try to hold funerals during times of the day and week when more people are off work. Funerals are usually scheduled during normal work hours, 9–5, Monday through Friday. While this favors the funeral directors and pastors, taking a half-day off is too high a hurdle for the majority of people.


I tell members, “Go to funerals—even if you don’t know the person that well.” Especially if you don’t know the person that well. God’s people gather in worship because God is worthy, and our loves need ordering. I make sure the church regularly sings songs that fit well in funerals.


The Christian funeral is one of the richest plots a pastor can till—if we keep our hand to the plow. Few other settings come primed to confess our hope with such clarity and grit. Few other opportunities present themselves with such regularity and promise. And few other services will be filled with so many occasional congregants.


So let’s deepen our faithfulness. Let’s lead funerals that facilitate the church’s worship. Let’s create expectations that funerals are congregational. Let’s celebrate the reality that—in life and in death—Jesus is Lord.

ノア・リビングストン(Noah Livingston)

執筆者のノア・リビングストンは、アッべ改革派教会(Abbe Reformed Church)(米ニューヨーク州クライマー)に、同じく牧師である夫人と共に仕える牧師。ツイッター・アカウントはnoah_livingston。









